It is a full mechanic foot operated frame assembling machine particularly suitable to small handcrafted production or hobby able to work large dimensions mouldings.
Easiness of use and construction strength allow it to join all types of mouldings with accuracy using our A+ special steel wedges of several sizes that can be also inserted one upon the other.
This machine is equipped with a very strong nail driver providing trouble free operation for many years. It is also equipped with a floor stand.

Standard hold down pad with magnetic pad holder

Round + L shaped pad w/felt

5mm Allen wrench and Magnetic pen

Claw Heads 7mm, 10mm and 15mm

New “Power Grip” Pad Holder Rod, L shaped pad with changeable rubber pad

Claw Heads 3mm, 5mm and 12mm

Adjustable tilting fence Hexagons and octagogons fences

Metal Extension Wings


Con la presente Vi informiamo dal 5 agosto al 23 agosto 2024, saremo aperti con operazioni limitate alla sola mattina dalle 08:30 alle 12:30.

Fuori da questo orario la ricezione / spedizione della merce non sarà considerata.

Dal 12 al 16 Agosto 2024 compresi, la ns. Azienda rimarrà chiusa per le ferie estive

Per assistenza, inviare un messaggio a info@a-plusautomation.com

Con l’occasione porgiamo i nostri saluti e auguriamo Buone Vacanze!

Please be informed that starting from August 5th, until August 23th 2023, we are open with limited operations only in the morning, from 8:30 to 12:30

From August 12th to August 16th 2024 included, the company will be completely closed for Summer Holidays.

For assistance, please send a message to info@a-plusautomation.com

With this occasion, we would wish you to have a Great Vacation!