Jumbo Joint Automatic 2p/3p

Jumbo Joint Automatic 2/3 p

Pneumatic electric underpinner for joining small, medium and big frames with a minimum section of 8×5 and a maximum section of 110×100. The JUMBO JOINT AUTOMATICA is highly flexible and suitable for any type of moulding as it blocks the angle to join and through the staple insertion unit mounted on a sliding nailing head, it inserts the staples up to 3 standard positions. It can work in both manual and automatic mode and it’s equipped with all the following independent adjustments: pushing strenght of the frontal presser; clamping strength and descent speed of the upper presser; tilting/opening angle adjustment of the fences; manual or automatic mode; insertion into 3 different positions of parallel and superimposed staples without unclamping the frame; self-levelling pressers especially suitable for clamping wide (more than 40 mm) and shaped frames; device for the exclusion of one of the pressers to work mouldings less than 40 mm wide.
It’s standardly equipped with a pneumatic staple-pusher that stops

the machine when the staples are over indicating the empty loader. To operate easily, all controls and adjustments are in a frontal control panel including the display programmer.


FENCES 120°- 135°






Con la presente Vi informiamo dal 5 agosto al 23 agosto 2024, saremo aperti con operazioni limitate alla sola mattina dalle 08:30 alle 12:30.

Fuori da questo orario la ricezione / spedizione della merce non sarà considerata.

Dal 12 al 16 Agosto 2024 compresi, la ns. Azienda rimarrà chiusa per le ferie estive

Per assistenza, inviare un messaggio a info@a-plusautomation.com

Con l’occasione porgiamo i nostri saluti e auguriamo Buone Vacanze!

Please be informed that starting from August 5th, until August 23th 2023, we are open with limited operations only in the morning, from 8:30 to 12:30

From August 12th to August 16th 2024 included, the company will be completely closed for Summer Holidays.

For assistance, please send a message to info@a-plusautomation.com

With this occasion, we would wish you to have a Great Vacation!